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Ralf Templin


The guitarist Ralf Templin, who graduated from the Hanns Eisler University in Berlin, has performed with orchestras including the Konzerthausorchester Berlin, the Deutsche Symphonie Orchester, the Rundfunk(radio)orchester Berlin, Filmorchester Babelsberg, the Staatsoperette in Dresden, Sinfonieorchester St. Gallen and, since 2008, is a regular guest at the Komische Oper Berlin. He has performed in productions of Aufstieg und Fall der Stadt Mahagonny/The Rise and Fall of the City of Mahagonny at the Deutsche Oper and Staatsoper in Berlin, Dreigroschenoper/The Threepenny Opera in the Admiralspalast and Maria de Buenos Aires, at Theater Bamberg, the Gewandhaus in Leipzig and Kammeroper Berlin. He has also taken part in many musicals and, since 2014, plays regularly at the Friedrichstadtpalast in Berlin. This versatile musician takes part in jazz concerts, most recently with Arnulf Ballhorn and Johannes Dickbauer, and works as a studio and touring musician with, amongst others, Tim Fischer, Barbara Schöneberger, Dagmar Manzel and in »Stars in Concert«.